Graduating Student Spotlight: Stephen Timothy

Student Spotlight: Stephen Timothy, Graduate
Mechanical Engineering (MS)
Q: Why did you choose this area of study for an advanced degree?
A: I've always had a knack for building things, math, and science. I also loved cars and working on them growing up, so it made perfect sense to study mechanical engineering when I came to CWRU for my BS. I ended up finding out about the ARPA-E ESTCP project when I applied for the BS/MS program. Run by Professor French (EMSE) and Professor Abramson (Darthmouth/EMAE) the project is funded by the US DOE, where we are validating our software that performs virtual energy audits. I knew right away this is exactly what I wanted to research. Prior to joining, I had very little experience in data science work. However, I was fascinated by the predictions we can make by applying data science practices, contextualizing the results through my mechanical engineering background, and doing my part to save the planet by optimizing electricity use. My MS I've earned through CWRU has totally changed my career path for the better, and I'm grateful for the experiences and skills gained.
Q: What are your plans after graduation?
A: I'll be staying in Cleveland, OH and working as a Quantitative Analyst at KeyBank. A lot of my work will be based on risk management, creating mathematical models to predict and prevent financial losses for the firm. I'm very excited to apply my analytical skills I have honed through my graduate coursework at CWRU to the financial world!
Q: What's your favorite memory of CWRU?
A: Beating my fear of roller coasters (and actually enjoying them) with my friends at Cedar Point during Senior Week!
Q: What is your advice for a student starting a graduate or professional program at CWRU?
A: Do something out of your comfort zone! I joined my research project with very little experience in data science and decided to push myself by specializing in Fluids & Thermal Sciences (which were some of my hardest courses in undergraduate). I worked hard, and now I feel like I can do anything if I apply myself. As I go into my career, this is a lesson I'll take with me, because I know, at the end of the day, it just takes dedication and a willingness to learn.